21XX. Dr. Wily and his Nation plotted to conquer earth several times.However,each time they were defeated by Mega Man and his Mega Alliance. And with each victory the Mega Alliance became stronger. Nowadays,they are practically unbeatable.
However,Wily and crew haven't given up. Dr. Wily has completed his Super Virus and has sent his Robots out to spread it. This Virus has the ability to turn robots into killing machines. Should his Robots fail,Wily will have his comrades spread the Virus.
After hearing about the news from Piccolo,The Mega Alliance spring into action to stop the robots,while Dr.Light and Auto work on a Vaccine. However,before they begin their Main mission,the Alliance must travel to The Cyber Lab to gather elements for the vaccine.
(allience goes to the Cyber Lab and succesfuly gets the elements...after fighting off wily's forces,who were trying to stop the allience from getting the vaccine)
Cut Scene after Intro Stage: The Team brings the needed elements back to Dr. Light. Light thanks them and tells them that he'll get to work right away. Suddenly the emergency alarm goes off. Roll informs the team that 8 robots appeared in 8 locations and have spread the virus. Mega Man tells his allies that Wily is on the move and vows to stop them.
Roll informs them on the locations of the Robots.
Cut Scene after beating 3 of the Cyber senshi: Mega Man and Co ask Dr.Light how the Vaccine is comming along? Dr. Light tells them that he's not even half finished and that concocting a vaccination to Wily's twisted virus is proving to be more challenging than he anticipated.
Goku tells Light to keep working at it. Auto tells the Mega Allience that once the vaccine is complete,It'll destroy Wily's virus.
Mega Man wishes Auto and Dr. Light good luck and tells the Allience that break time's over and that it's time to get back to work.
Cut Scene after beating 3 more Cyber Senshi: The Mega Allience talk about the Robot Mistresses and how similar they are to the Sailor Senshi (in looks and abilities anyway).
Cut Scene after Beating all 8 Cyber Senshi: Inside Wily's Fortress,Wily is angry that the Heroes destroyed his "lovely" Robots. Wily tells his Nation of Domination to continue where the Cyber Senshi left off and that the Allience won't stand a chance against them with their new cybernetic upgrades (actually he turned them into mindless machines). The Nation members leave for their mission.
Zero enters and tells hisd father to stop this madness and that his plan will destroy them all. Wily asks Zero what happened to him and that he used to be a radical killing machine. Zero tells his father that he doesn't know exactly,but that he has been feeling different after the last battle with Mega Man (actually,a glitch in his system mysteriously caused the virus within him to lay dorment).
Wily tells Zero that he'll run a diagnosis on him later,but right now he must finish his 'Ultimate Weapon'..a weapon that will help him spread his Virus even quicker. He leaves laughing maniacly.
Back at Allience HQ,the Mega Man and Co. have destroyed the Robot Mistresses and are now ready for Wily. Suddenly the emergency alarm goes off. Roll informs the team that the Nation of Domination are picking up where the Cyber Senshi have left off and are sprading the virus in the 4 locations. Mega Man tells his allies that these monsters have to be stopped before they can go to Wily's.
The Allience springs into action.
Cut Scene after destroying 4 Nation Members: The Allience talk about how Wily turned his Allies into Robotic Slaves and claim how cruel it is. They then talk about how Wily has become a super psycho.
Cut Scene after destroying all Nation Members: At Wily's Fortress,Wily is really really pissed and vows not to let the Mega Allience foil his plans when they are so close to succeding. Bass and Morrigan enter and mock Wily. Wily tells Bass and Morrigan that the Mega Allience are on their way and to get to their 'Battle Stations'. He also mentions that Dimitri has already manned his.
Bass tells Wily to go to hell and Morrigan hopes the Allience stops his psychotic plan. Wily gets pissed and tells Zero to kill them. Zero refuses and tells Wily that he won't kill his Brother. Zero leaves. Bass calls Zero a smart Robot. Wily begins to wonder what happened to Zero?
Back at Allience HQ,the Allience is ready to raid Skull Fortress and stop Dr. Wily. Dr. Light and Auto tell them that the Vaccination should be completed soon. Mega Man tells Dr. Light to hurry before the effects of the Virus become irreversable.
He then tells the allience that it's time to end Wily's game once and for all. And that today the Allience will finally rid the World of the Nation of Domination.
Cut Scene after Beating Morrigan and Bass: Mega Man tells the duo that Wily has gone crazy and that the Allience will need their help to end Wily's psychotic plan. He also tells them that he knows that there's good in them and that deep down they know that what Wily is doing is wrong.
Morrigan tells Mega Man that he's right about 1 thing and that Wily must be stopped before he destroys everything. She then agrees to Join the Allience..on a temporary basis,of course. Bass also agrees. Mega Man thanks them both.
Bass tells Mega Man not to get the wrong idea and that all he wants to do is stop Wily and make a Jackass out of him. The Allience welcomes them to the team. Bass tosses them a "whatever". Mega Man tells the team that it's time to End the Nation of Domination. Mega Man and Co. move ahead.
Cut Scene after Beating Zero: Zero tells Mega Man that both he and his friends make an awesome team. Mega Man asks Zero if he was going easy on the team? Zero shakes his head and tells him he was fighting with everything he had.
Zero tells Mega Man that he would like to help the Mega Allience stop his father,befor he ends up destroying the world. Mega Man tells Zero that for some reason he sences 'Justice Energy' within him where 'Dark Energy' once was. Zero tells Mega Man that after their last fight,he began to feel different.
Mega Man tells Zero that Dr. Light will run a diagnosis on him later but for 'Let's stop Wily'
Mega Man and Zero shake hands and leave.
Cut Scene before Battling Wily: Dr. Wily is preparing his Mecha. The Allience enters. Wily tells the Allience that they're way too late and that he's about to use his new Mecha to spread the virus World Wide and that within 48 hours the virus' effects will be permanent. He laughs evily.
Mega Man tells Wily that tonite the Allience will bring him to justice and put his Psychotic plans to rest. After Wily and The Allience exchange words,Wily enters his mech and tells the Allience that he'll deal with them first.
Ending: A defeated Wily laughs his ass off tells the Allience that the Fate of the World is sealed and soon the planet will be drenched in chaos,because Light won't be able to cure the entire world in 48 hours. Mega Man tells wily to shut up and that he's going to prison. After being handcuffed,Wily tells Zero and Bass to help him.Bass ignores him and Zero tells his father that he's sorry and that he had this coming. Wily gets upset and Mega Man declares The Nation Of Domination to be Dead.
Hours Later,after Wily is thrown in jail and Dr. Light has completed the Vaccine. The Allience and their 3 new friends travel the world on a vaccinating spree (the exact same way that wily's minions were spreading the virus).
With the Vaccine,The Allience just barely managed to cure the World. With the Virus destroyed,the Mega Allience heads back home to celebrate.
Hours later,Zero is being diagnosed by Dr. Light. After Dr. Light finishes,he tells Zero that he has descovered a dorment energy within his system and that the energy has the potential to corrupt him. he then tells Zero that this energy might be a virus...a virus that could spread if left untreated. Zero understands and asks Dr. Light if he can cure him?
Dr. Light tells him that he doesn't know and he'll have to take a sample of the energy from his body to find out more. Zero understands and tells Dr. Light that he'll stay with him until he is cured.
Meanwhile,Morrigan is talking to Bass about how much fun she had with Mega Man and Co. and is concidering joining the allience part-time. After much convincing from Morrigan,Bass decides to join the Allience part-time too.
Elseware,Mega Man is watching the sun set and reflects on the Mega Allience's past missions. Soon,Mega Man is joined by Sailor Moon,Goku,and Felicia. The Quartet talk about the Alliences primary Mission (to make the world a better place).
7 Hours later,at the International Criminal Center [the U.N.'s own prison],Dr. Wily sneaks out and vows revenge on the Mega Allience and the 3 traitors. Wily leaves the prison area.
"New Game" intro: 1 month after his escape,Dr. Wily announces in a world wide broadcast that he's back and ready to decimate the world. He also tells the world that he's rebuilt his 8 Cyber Senshi and have turned them loose on the world. Watching the broadcast are the Mega Allience who are a bit miffed at Wily's return. Mega Man tells Bass,Morrigan,and Zero to handle Wily this time,while He and the rest of the Allience go out and help the communities of America.
Zero tells Mega Man to leave it to them. Roll gives the 3 unlikely heroes the locations of the 8 robots (its the same locations as before).
"New Game" Cut Scene after destroying 4 of the Cyber Senshi: Zero asks Bass about his history. Bass asks why? Zero tells Bass that he needs to Know about the energy inside of him. Bass tells Zero that he was originally built to be the Ultimate Killing Machine equiped with a Powerful Virus,which for some unknown reason stopped working and turned him into what he is today. He tells Zero that the Virus made him psycho.
Morrigan interups and tells Bass that he can have "Brother" time with Zero after they kick Wily's ass.
"New Game" Cut Scene after destroying all of the Cyber Senshi: Bass tells Morrigan and Zero that it's time to go after Wily...this time,though,they're gonna kill him.
Zero tells Bass that theres no need to and jail is more than enough punishment for their father. But Bass ignores him.
"New Game" Ending: Wily is once again defeated. Bass and Morrigan are ready to kill Wily. Wily Begs for his life. Zero tells Bass to stop and that this isn't the way to punish Their Father. Bass tells Zero to shut it and tells Wily that he had this coming. After scaring the crap out of Wily,Bass and Morrigan decide to spare him and throw him back in jail.
Hours Later,Dr. Light tells Zero that he's through examining some of that energy he extracted from him and it is indeed a virus...a Really Advanced Virus. He then tells Zero that the chemicals needed to treat such a virus don't yet exist in this world. He then says that Dr. Wily may have been psychotic,but he was a genious.
Zero asks Dr. Light about what's gonna happen to him? Dr. Light tells Zero that the virus may re-activate and spread like wildfire. And that if that happens,the World could be in dire trouble.
Zero asks Dr. Light if there's anything he can do? Dr. Light tells Zero that he believes that in time the Virus will desolve..but only if he remains inactive. He tells Zero that for his own good and the good of the world,he must shut him down and seal him up for a while. Zero understands and tells Dr. Light to lead the way to his capsule. Light nods and tells Zero that he's prepared one for him in a well hidden storage room.
Light and Zero go to a hidden storage room where the capsule is. The 2 enter. Zero tells Dr. Light that he has a favor to ask before he enters the capsule. Light asks what is it? Zero tells Dr. Light to tell Mega Man that he enjoyed working with him and hopes that one day,after he awakens,they could be great friends. Light tells Zero that Mega Man would like that.
Zero also tells Light to tell Bass that he regrets not developing a Real Brother Realationship with him when he had the chance. But tells Dr. Light that he'll try to spend more time with his Brother after he awakens.
Dr. Light tells Zero that he will deliver your messages. Zero thanks Dr. Light and enters the capsule. Zero shuts himself down. Dr. Light closes the capsule and tells Zero that hopefully they'll meet again.
Dr. Light leaves the hidden storage room.
Abilities: The Alliance has the same abilities they had in MA5. however there are a few differences. Mega Man no longer has a Charge Shot,instead he has a 15 shot rapid fire. He can still slide though.
Sword user,Sailor Moon now has a Quaduple-Slash,instead of a Triple-Slash. She still has her Ground Dash and Double Jump,though.
Martial Artist,Goku loses his ability to Air-Dash,but gains his Instant Transmition Ability. He can still Fly and The Kamehameha Wave is still his Charge-Up attack.
Catgirl,Felicia loses her 9-Tails Whip and can now attack using her "Claws". She still has her Ground Roll and her Static Field Charge-Up ability.
Sailor Saturn stays the same. Still has her Silence Rings Charge Up attack,her Glave Slash/Stab combo,and Her Ground Dash.
Secret Character 1 can Dash,use Charge-Up his Buster,Double Jump,and has Multi-Directional Fireing.
Secret Character 2 can Glide and attack with her fists and feet.Soul Fist is her charged up attack.
Secret Character 3 can Air Dash. his weapon is the Sabre. His Charged-Up ability is a Buster shot.
Cyber Senshi:
DaiGunna 238: A Giant Blaster Robot that was sent by Wily to stop the Alliance from getting the elements for the vaccine.
Artic Senshi: Modled after Sailor Mercury. She's taken over an Antartic Mega-Lab and is infecting the robots and machines with the virus. She possesses Ice abilities.
Blazing Senshi: Modled after Sailor Mars. She's an angry arsonist that has infected all fire based robots with the virus and is leading them on a rampage through the city. She possesses fire abilities.
Elec Senshi: Modled after Sailor Jupiter. She's infected the Electric Power Plant with the Virus and hs taken refuge in the nearby forest. She possesses Thunder abilities. She also has Wood attacks.
Metalic Senshi:Modled after Sailor Venus. She's taken over a Recycling Plant and is infecting the robots and machines with the virus. She possesses Steel abilities. She also uses chains and various blades.
Storm Senshi: Modled after Sailor Uranus. She's taken over a Weather Control Center and is infecting the robots and machines with the virus. She possesses Wind abilities.
Tsunami Senshi:Modled after Sailor Neptune. She's taken over an Undersea Mega-Lab and has infected the robots and machines with the virus. She was last seen reaking havoc with her deadly Tsunami's on the ocean. She possesses Water abilities.
Darkness Senshi: Modled after Sailor Pluto. She guards Wily's Space Fort.The Fort contains a Time-Stopper Cannon that can Stop everything. She possesses Shadow abilities. She also has time powers too.
Doomsday Senshi: Modled after Sailor Saturn. She's killed many humans and is hidding in a Robot Grave Yard. She possesses Insta-Death abilities. She also has earth powers.
Steel Beryl and Cyber Frieza (cyborg versions of beryl and frieza)
Robroli and Metal Phantom (cyborg versions of Broli and Doom Phantom)
Robo-Hood and Succubot (cyborg versions of bb hood and lilith)
Zirconiatron and Silver Nehelenia (cyborg versions of zirconia and nehelenia)
Note: All 8 of these Cyborgs don't exist in the "New Game" mode.
Dimitri Maximov (boss of wily stage 1)
Note: Dimitri is replaced with the White Devil in the "New Game" mode.
Cutman/Grancutman/Cutdozer (cutman now has multiple forms; Boss of wily stage 2)
Bass and Morrigan (bosses of wily stage 3)
Note: Bass and Morrigan are replaced with Enker and Ballade in the "New Game" mode.
4 Robot Mistress Gauntlet,a Teleport Hatch Room,and Zero (bosses of wily stage 4)
Note: Zero is replaced with Dimitri Maximov in the "New Game" mode.
Dr.Wily (boss of wily stage 5;Final Boss)
Special Abilities and Weapons:
Mega Man: Fire Spiral(a spiraling fireball), Frost Spray(a icey spray that freezes), Extreme Thunder(a super strong,super fast thunder that rains from the sky),Venus Beam(a strong laser beam that can peirce anything),Ground Tornado (a strong tornado that travels on the ground),Aquatic Barrier (A feild of water surrounds mega and damages those who come in contact with it),Dead Area (stops time untile energy runs out and allows mega to fire purple shots),Silence Scythe (mega gains a scythe weapon that can kill all minor enemies in one hit. short range)
Sailor Moon: Burning Blade (the blade of SM's sword becomes fire), Artic Blade (the blade of SM's sword becomes ice),Thunder Blade(the blade of SM's sword becomes thunder),Heavymetal Blade(the blade of SM's sword becomes bigger and heavier), Aero Crush (a super huge gust rushes across the area damaging enemies),Aqua Crush (a tidal wave rushes across the area and damages enemies),Area Slowdown(time slows down for enemies and sailor moons blaid turns purple),Death Slash (a sharp crecent wave that kills all minor enemies in one hit).
Sailor Saturn: Earthshatter(causes deadly earthquake by stabbing glave into the ground),Flame Glaive (the blade of SS's glaive becomes fire),Frozen Spear(the blade of SS's glaive becomes a spearhead of ice),Sparking Glave(the blade of SS's glaive becomes electric),Iron Spear(the blade of SS's glaive becomes a spearhead of Iron),Hurricane Glave (the blade of SS's glaive becomes wind;can cause a small hurricane when used),Aqua Orb(a charged up attack only;saturn fires a sphere of water),Time Stop(a charged up move only; saturn can stop time for a few seconds)
Felicia: Artic Felicia (felicia gains all of artic senshi's attacks),Blazing Felicia(felicia gains all of blazing senshi's attacks),Elec Felicia(felicia gains all of elec senshi's attacks),Storm Felicia(felicia gains all of storm senshi's attacks),Metallic Felicia (felicia gains all of metalic senshi's attacks),Darkness Felicia(felicia gains all of darkness senshi's attacks),Tsunami Felicia(felicia gains all of tsunami senshi's attacks),Doomsday Felicia (felicia gains all of doomsday senshi's attacks)
Goku: Icey Copy(goku crates an icey decoy of himself),Inferno Kamehameka(goku fires a kamehameha wave of flame;charege up move only),Thunder Crush(a electric version of giga crush),Iron fist(goku's fists turn into iron; slow attack,but powerful),Sky Strike (a wind version of nova strike),Splash Kick(goku attacks with a watery kick),Black Orb(Goku fires a dark sphere;charge up only),Earth Breaker(goku creates a powerful earthquake by punching the ground; charge up only)
Secret Character 1: Same as Mega Man.
Secret Character 2: Same as Goku
Secret Character 3: A mix between Mega Man's weapons and Sailor Moons attacks.
Pellets: Refills Weapon Energy and Health. Comes in 2 colores,red for weapon energy and blue for health.
MA Mini-Logo: A 1-up.
Bolts: Find these and buy stuff at Auto's shop.
Rush Maul: Summon Rush and he'll assault enemies (200 bolts)
Beat Shield: Beat gives you a sheild that protects you from spikes. Lasts 3x. (500 bolts)
Eddie Bomber: Eddie will teleport in and bomb the enemies. (400 bolts)
Tango Search: Tango will find hidden items. (300 bolts)
E-Tanks: Use to refill health. (50 bolts)
W-Tanks: Use to refil weapon energy. (40 bolts)
Navigator Watch: Allows Roll to navigate you through stages. (600 bolts)
Speed Up: Increses Characters Speed. You can only buy this item twice.(999 bolts)
Power Up: Increses Characters Attack Power.You can only buy this item twice. (999 bolts)
Defense Up: Increases Characters defense.you can only buy this item twice. (999 bolts)
Exit Belt: Teleports you out of a completed stage. (400 bolts)
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