
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

WMVW League Conference

Tuesday, September 25th
An Conference Room at an Arena in Staten Island,NY
WMVW League Press Conference.

Reporters are gathered in a press room with a podium in between 2 tables. The tables are decorated with a table cloth with the New WMVWL Logo on it. that Same logo is on the podium. Behind them is a screen.

An announcer introduces MVW Cheif Operations Officer,Michele Kai.

Michele Kai enters the room to applause and takes her place at the podium. Kai thanks and welcomes everyone to the 2nd of 2 Conferences. She talks about the great impact and contributions that Women have made in Wrestling.

She announces that WMVW will be getting their own Show,and that WMVW has finally jumped out of the shadow of it's Male Counterparts.

After talking more about the Ladies Show,WMVW League,Kai reveals that there will be Titles for each division in the near future: One for the Guys,One for the Ladies,and a Set for the Mixed Teams.

Before bringing out 2 of the Ladies League Teams,Michele Kai decides to let the folks watch some pre-recorded Vignettes of the Mixed Teams. The Vignettes play on the Screen.
Vignette 1: Asian American Order

Ken Kojiro and Yumi Misaki are in a gym,working out. They then cut their promo. The AaO's goal is to be inspiration to Asian-American Wrestlers and to advocate for their success in Wrestling.
Vignette 2: The Fang Connection

On a misty,full-mooned,night,a Vampire and a Warewolf are hanging out. It's Morgana Tepes and Hombre Del Lobo,The Fang Connection! The duo have become advocates for Vampire/Warewolf love and friendship. They will never let the haters win.
Vignette 3: The Ultimate Warriors

On the streets,2 masked heroes are beating up a gang of masked thugs. After that's done,they cut a promo. They are The Ultimate Warriors,The Omega Warrior and a masked Kimberly Starr,who is now called the Ultima Warrior. They are ready to dish out justice in the MVWL.
Vignette 4: Southern Injustice

Jett Jannetty and D.C. Cyrus are in the city during the day,bashing everything about Big Cities (especially the northern ones) while praising Southern living. Southern Injustice is ready to proove to the world that Southern Folk are superior to Big City Folk.
Vignette 5: Schizo

In a room,just a room,Rudos Technicos and his female counterpart,Rudas Technicas cut a promo. They start out nice,but then become nasty and vile. Soon they turn back into nice people. Soon Technicas becomes nasty and Techinicos becomes frightful of his partner,the roles are reversed seconds later.

All throught their promo,the duo switch between various personalities.
Vignette 6: The Blackest Threat

In a pitch black area,2 evil voices can be heard,they plan to destroy the "sinners" of Wrestling,starting with the Ring Warriors of MVW. Why? They don't say,they just warn everyone to expect them soon.
Kai praises the Teams. She then,without further adeu,brings out 2 of the League Teams: The Sisterhood and (making their debut) Los Lucharitas.

The crowd applauds as the 2 teams enter. Los Lucharitas is made up of 5 newcomers. They are Ultimate Xena,Lucharana Uno,Lucharana Dos,Ada Valasques,and Senorita Prima. The Sisterhood is made up of Jen Valentino,Fasha Abbas the One Woman Jury,"Executioner" Malani Morsi,Vikki Vicious,and Lillith Tepes (who ditched her vamp gimmick).

After introductions and some opening statements from the teams,they answer some questions. The conference is soon crashed by The Rag Tag,who demean the women by hauling sexist insults,like how Women Wrestlers should never get their own show and how Women in Wrestling are suppoed to be nothing more than sex objects.

The Ladies insult the Troublemakers right back. The Rag Tag is soon escorted out by security. After a few more questions,the 2 Teams leave and Kai brings out the next 2 (actually the final 2). They are The Ladies of Tough Inc (Reese Tuesday,Consuela Pereira,Ruby Johnson,Elena,and Maxine Payne) and The Valkyries ("Absolutist" Venus Ainsland,Lita Keno,Rei Musashi,Trista Mayer,and Ami Tomoe)

After introductions and opening statements from the 2 teams,they answer some questions. Unlike the last Q&A,things go much smoothly this time. After that,the teams leave and Michele Kai delivers some closing statements before wraping things up. She thanks everyone for coming and reminds everyone that The New MVW is (likely)airing Tomorrow on the MVW Streaming Channel.

Michele Kai leaves to applause.

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