Sun,Aug 1st.
Recap of Ringwize.
We go backstage where the Mercs-for-Hire have set up shop,in similar style to the APA,awaiting their first client.
The P.C.Presidents cut a promo a d brag about their victory at Ringwize. Team Triple B comes out to interupt the Wokers before they get a chance to spew any of their their Woke Messages. As the 2 sides have a heated war of words,The Valkyries come up from behind the P.C. Presidents and attack them.
After security takes the Valkyries away,Team Triple B attacks,which leads into our Opening Match.
Opening Match: Team Triple B v The P.C.Presidents. Team Triple B gain the win,but are attacked by Maxine Payne and her P.C. Team. Payne tries to force Team Triple B to "repent" and to "rejoin" Black Culture,but the 2 babyfaces are defiant. Maxine Payne deems BBB Traitors to Everything Black. Tough Justice arrives and sends the wokers packing.
Match 2: Wespool and Princessa v.Schizo. Schizo comes out as 2 mentally disturbed individuals,who fluxuate between this and crybaybies. The Announce team mentions that the 3 Valkyries,who are not scheduled to wrestle,have been ejected from the building. Wes Pool and Princessa get the win.
Match 3: The Mystics v. The Asian American Order. The Mystics pick up the win.
The P.C.Nation cut a promo backstage.
Match 4: Team Nasty v The Violentest Rioters. The 2 punk teams brawl everywhere around the arena. Team Nasty gets the win,but The Rioters are sore losers and the 2 teams brawl again,prompting security to break them up.
Plug for MVW Merch AND MVW Hellzone,which will be held on the 15th.
League Match 1: Los Lucharitas v The Missionaries. The Missionaries defeat Los Lucharitas 5-4. The 2 teams shake hands after the match.
League Match 2: The Caucus v G.I.Bro. G.I. Bro tries to force The Caucus to join The P.C.Nation,otherwise the Caucus will be deemed "Traitors to their respective Races". The Caucus tells them "So Be it" and attacks the P.C. Quartet. The Caucus beats G.I.Bro 5-3. The Caucus assaults G.I.Bro and tosses them out of the ring. G.I.Bro have a small tantrum.
Tough Justice cut a backstage promo.
League Match 3: The Ultimate Greats v Reina del Mal de Los Sataniks. The Greats defeat the demons 6-3.
Main Event: Tough Justice v The P.C. League. The 2 teams start things off with a brawl. The P.C Team loses 7-1 in a near clean sweep victory for Tough Justice. Maxine Payne gets pissed and attacks Kenny and Radford for being "Stupid White Boys". The 2 applogize to their mistress and kiss her feet.
Backstage,the Mercs are still waiting for their 1st client.
We end things with a mini-press confrence with COO Michele Kai,who announces that HellZone,a properly done one,will take place on the 15th. It was originally gonna be held on the 22nd,but due to Covid concerns and due to potential LockDowns and restrictions by the overzealous,power starved Left-Wing leaders of New York City and DC. She then talks about the importance of getting Vaxxed. The confrence gets hijacked by the entire P.C.Nation. President Rufus Barton talks about how their kind is in charge of EVERY institution in America,except for one: Professional Wrestling. He continues that the P.C.Nation Needs to change that..and soon. So he offers up an ultimatum. Should PC Nation Win HellZone,they get Full Control of MVWL.Michele Kai delivers a counter-offer: Should Team MVWL win,the P.C.Nation Dies..And Stays Dead! Permanantly! Both parties agree. The P.C. Nation is assaulted by The Valkyries.
In a pitch black area with flames and sulfur,Los Sataniks cuts a promo saying that everything is going according to plan,and once the P.C. Nation rules MVWL,it will cause a domino effect throughout the wrestling world,giving rise to More wokeness in the industry. And the more woke it becomes,the faster it will all burn down.
The demonic Quintet laugh evily as we fade to black.
Sun,Aug 8th
Opening the show,Michele Kai announces the teams for HellZone: The P.C.Presidents and The P.C. League will represent P.C. Nation. While,"The Absolutist" Venus Aensland,Reno Nevada,Ron Rude,and Team Triple B will represent Team MVWL. She then goes over the rules: A 10 warrior all out brawl inside of a cage,where the Only way to win is by submission. The ring will be stripped down to being just a mat and posts. She also reminds everyone that if the P.C.N wins,they get full-control of MVWL,but that if they lose,the P.C. Nation dies and stays dead. She then announces a contract signing after the show.
We go backstage where the Mercs-for-Hire have set up shop,in similar style to the APA,awaiting their first client.
Match 1: Latino Chill v The Wrestle Maniacs. The Wrestle Maniacs beat Latino Chill and go on an Anti-Modern Wrestling rant.
Match 2: Hell Warriors of Los Satanics v. Mercs-for-Hire. The Mercs defeat the demons and immediately head back to their "office" to await their first client.
Plug for MVWL HellZone next week. .
Match 3: Q-Style v Violentest Rioters. Thanks to some interference by Team Nasty,Q-Style gets the win. Pissed,The Violentest Rioters challenge Team Nasty to an Outdoor Street Fight next Week. Team Nasty accepts and that they'll be more than happy to prove that Team Nasty is the Nastiest of All.
Match 4: Schizo v The Asian American Order: Schizo's personalities fluxuate between psychotic monsters to gentle souls to cry-baybies. The Asian American Order are unfazed by this and get the win.
The Valkyries cut a promo,Followed by Tough Justice,and then Team Triple B.
League Match 1: The Ultimate Greats v The Missionaries. The Missionaries defeat The Ultimate Greats 7-6. The Greats thank The Missionaries for giving them a great fight and wants to fight them again soon.
League Match 2: The Valkyries v The P.C. League. The Valkyries defeat the P.C. League,8-4. The loss pisses off Maxine Payne and she takes it out on Kenny and Radford. The 2 then apologize for being "White Trash" and promise to do better next week at HellZone.
Main Event: G.I. Bro v Tough Justice. Tough Justice beats G.I.Bro 6-5. After losing,G.I.Bro has a bit of a tantrum.
We go backstage where the Mercs-for-Hire are still waiting for their 1st client. they are getting annoyed by the lack of business.
We end things with a mini-press confrence with a contract signing between Team P.C. and Team MVWL,moderated by MVWL Commish Amara Tennoh. The 2 sides share some nasty words before signing the contract. P.C.Nation looks forward to "practically owning" this company. Venus Aensland tells them when "Hell Freezes Over and Satan Gives Free Sled Rides".
As the 2 team depart to get themselves ready for HellZone,next week,In a Hell-like Room,The evil Los Sataniks are getting ready to celebrate the coming end of Wrestling,because they know it will happen once the P.C. Nation wins HellZone and their influence reaches to the other Wrestling Promotions. And Los Sataniks will be there to help push things along if needed. The Quintet laugh evily.
MVWL HellZone
Sun,Aug 15th.
Note: The entire event will be taking place inside of a steel cage,though the HellZone match itself will be happening later. So for now,the ring will remain complete.
The Announce Team welcomes everyone to MVWL HellZone.
We go backstage where the Mercs-for-Hire have set up shop,in similar style to the APA,awaiting their first client. They get 2,both are men in cloaks and masks. The Mystery men order a hit on Maxine Payne later during HellZone. When asked about their identities,the men change the subject quickly and ask if they want business or not. The Mercs agree. The Mystery Men pay the Mercs and leave.
Opening Match: Q-Style v The Mystics. The Mystics defeat the Q-Style using "Magic" tricks.
Backstage interview with Team P.C.
Outdoor Street Fight: Team Nasty v The Violentest Rioters. These 2 teams brawled all over,including briefly in the street. Team Nasty beat the Rioters and proved themselves to be the "Nastiest Of Them All."
Backstage Interview with Team MVWL
League Match: Los Lucharitas v The Ultimate Greats. The United Greats defeat Los Lucharitas 6-3. The Greats are satisfied with their opponents. Soon after the ring crew arrives to take apart the ring,until it's nothing but a mat and 4 posts.
Promo for MVWL's Final Episode next Week. Then sometime after The Evolution Will Begin.
Main Event: HellZone: Team P.C. (P.C. Presidents and P.C.League) vs Team MVWL (Venus Aensland,Reno Nevada,Ron Rude,and Team Triple B). The 2 teams go at it with Everything they got and anything they can get their hands on. It's a real violent brawl. During the Mercs-For-Hire break into the cage and assault Maxine Payne. Team MVWL wins with Venus Aensland making Lita Keno tap out usi g the Scorpion Death Lock. The P.C. Nation is Now History! The P.C.N go into a temper tantrum. Team MVWL taunt the wokers with the classic "Na-Na-Na-Na,Na-Na-Na-Na,Hey-Hey-Hey,Good-Bye". The fans even join in.
Promo for MVWL Merch.
We end things with a mini-press confrence with Team MVWL.
In a dark hellish room,Los Sataniks are angry at the P.C. Nation's loss. They promise to resurrect the P.C. Nation once again,stronger,better than ever. And with a New and Improved P.C. Nation,they can Finally watch the Wrestling world burn.
MVWL Final
Sun,Aug 22nd
The Valkyries open with a promo about their victory. But they still have one more thing left to do to ensure a P.C. Free Wrestling Industry - Destroy Los Sataniks. They knew from the start that they were behind the P.C. Nation's resurgence,just like how their Master is behind everything else plaguing this World - Including Wokism and Racial Discord. So before the Evolution of this company can begin. They want to face Los Sataniks - All 5 of them - in a match to end it all. Malcom King arrives and wants to send the Sataniks Master a message and wants to join them. The Valkyries agree. After some flickering lights,thunder,nd lightning,The Sataniks voices boom though the arena and accept the challenge.
Opening Match: The Wrestle Maniacs v The Mystics. The Mystics use their "tricks" and win the match. The Wrestle Maniacs are pissed.
Backstage interview with Team Nasty,who look forward to the upcoming Evolution.
Maxine Payne cuts a promo,pissed off about the loss and promises to make the 2 guys who put the hit on her suffer. She then blames the death of the P.C. Nation on her 2 team mates,Leo Kenny and Chuck Radford,and berates them harshly. However,Leo Kenny has heard enough and fires back at Payne,telling her that both He and his buddy are "Sick to Death of being Sick To Death" and that it's time for them to get their Self-Respect and Dignity back. They then reveal themselves as tbe 2 men who put the hit on her. The 2 sides trade nasty words,until Payne decides to put the 2 in their place by Destroying them in a match.
Various MVWL Ring Warriors give their thoughts on the Evolution.
League Match: The Missionaries v The Ultimate Greats. The Ultimate Greats defeat the Missionaries 8-7.
Backstage promo by Rufus Barton,talking about the P.C. Nation's big loss and promises to be the #1 guy in the New Evolved era of MVWL.
2-on-1 Handicap Match: Leo Kenny and Chuck Radford v Maxine Payne. Kenny and Radford defeat Maxine Payne and reclaim their dignity and self-respect.
Backstage promo by Team Triple B.
The Main Event: 5-on-4 Elimination Match: The Valkyries and Malcom King v. Los Sataniks.The Valkyries and King win the match with a clean sweep. The arena goes dark and lightning and rumbling effects boom through the arena. When the lights return,the Sataniks have disappeared.
We end things with a mini-press confrence with COO Michele Kai who talks about the Next Evolution of MVWL. She promises that the titles will return and that there will be a whole slew of match types. She also intends on reviving the Ring Warriors Trophy. She thanks the MVW Faithful for years of fandom and promises that they won't be disappointed with the New Evolved Form of this company.
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